Post by chavette on Feb 24, 2007 11:44:30 GMT
What r r doppelgangers up2?
Mine is sooo cool, innit?
Mine is sooo cool, innit?
from: Proud to be a Chav? Are you proud of being a chav or chavette? Put you case forward here. More often than not, chav is said as a put down, so here is your chance to have you say and convince the rest of the world that chavs have a place on earth. 25/11/04 - Submitted by 'Chorley Chav Briggsy': People call me a Chav cos I luv Lacoste, Tommy and Armania....but I say stuff 'em. Chaves Rule -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24/11/04 - Submitted by 'kayla-D': peeps say dat chavs r scum ye! wel u peeps dat say dat blatently ent look in da ******* mira at ur life recently jus cuz we av fights an **** dun make us bad boyz an galz ye! so nxt time u go round sayin **** bout us u cn rememba dat we got beta lives dan u wil eva av !!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23/11/04 - Submitted by 'Surbi': We are a bunch of middle class folk with a high standard of education who think that the chav mentality is pretty damn fantastic. We're even having a Chav/Chavette party in Surrey this month! Hoorah! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22/11/04 - Submitted by 'Jessica Terrington': faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakin chavs innit!!!! i is from wisbech an it fukin chav centraaaal!! Chavs rule! u is all sayin dat we is fick and all dis but we smash yo head in innit! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21/11/04 - Submitted by 'Holly (chavette)': well big it up 2 all the chavs out there and hate chav wannabe out there if u wanna be a chav its gotta come from the heart not because u wanna fit in wit everyone else, so be your self chavs are not thick we're well coller then any skaters and gungers out there innit Luv all the chavs out there :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19/11/04 - Submitted by 'Claire Marrone': I think chavs are great, coz i is one init! Theres nuffin wrong wiv burberry & S.I Novas are pure class. When i'm cruisin round the precinct all the other birds are well jealous cos they fink my choons are well bangin. My Lee rekons i am the fittest bird in school & none of the older girls can down Smifnoff ice like i can. I can drink 10 bottles & im only 15! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19/11/04 - Submitted by 'chavster': i av bin a "chav" all mi lyf, but i ain't appy wot poepel r sayin bout us! we aint dat stuipd an r dress sense is da nuts innit. i luv my ats an my colad shirrts. im of na ta listern 2 sum hardcor D&B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18/11/04 - Submitted by 'chavette': Rite yea i go to a private school so duz dat make me thick? i dont fink so. yea i'm a chav n loads of ma m8s r 2 but we ent fickos or nufin like dat u get me? yea we hang round places n do pick fites but only wiv ppl who deserve it like sum1 whos messed ma m8 around or spread sum sh*t or sumfin d'ya no wat i mean? neway dont go finkin dat wer all da same coz we ent get it? sayf 2 ma honeyz n ma baby carl n ma boyz, lovin gareth 4eva -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18/11/04 - Submitted by 'sarah p': im a chav n i dont see nething wrong with it, just cos i wear designer labels n lots ov gold dont mean im a bad person, n as 4 us chavs being thick, ive got 10 gcse's 4 A-levels and im a qualified dental nurse, so try telling me im thick again. being a chav where i come from is no big deal infact its quite normal, so dont go judging all us chavs as being idiots cos were not, we just no who we are, where we wonna go n we aint affraid to stand out in a crowd!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/11/04 - Submitted by 'Chavette': i'm a chav all my friend think chavs are well supit and think we're well thick.i have this one friend who think shes a chav. four years ago whebn i descide to be a chav my friend was a skater and the next day i saw her she started goin roungd saying she a chav but she only owns one nickelson top and no tracky bottoms or any thing like that she dosen't even buy desiner clothes luv all the chavs out the inni -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |